Friday, November 14, 2014

Took the Words Right Out of My Mouth!

     I gotta say there Mr Ace, you hit the nail spot on the head with your posting, "One Ebola death hardly counts as an epidemic!"  I loved it!  

     The truth is, Ebola has been affecting Africa for years and no one has gave two cares in the world about it until now since it has caused an "epidemic" in the US.  Now they have our troops over there "fighting the fight against Ebola" which will be putting our troops at unnecessary risk which also could potentially raise the number of unfortunate deaths from Ebola in the US.  However, the bottom line remains that Ebola is (should be) the least of our worries when it comes to infectious or fatal diseases/illnesses and Ebola in Africa most definitely needs to be of the least of our worries.  We need to worry about what is going on in our country now, and take care of our people.  Raise awareness for the illness affecting our citizens, help find cures, volunteer your free time, etc.  If you feel the need to grieve when something like Ebola happens in our country, O.K. ... fine!  So be it!  But... Move on and get over it because the truth is that it is NOT that serious!  When it comes to spending money on diseases and curing them and "fighting against them" we need to focus our energy, money and support on what is HERE and most predominant!  Not something that has just affected a hand full of US citizens and is not typically found here.  Don't get me wrong, I agree that we need to be sure that we have a plan in place and health professionals are trained how to PROPERLY and PROFESSIONALLY deal with, handle and treat Ebola patients but that does not mean to put all our eggs in one basket.  There is no need to invest all of anyone's time, money or interest in Ebola or the training for it!   Last but certainly not least, keep our troops out of it!  They have no business over there!  Which by the way... Just curious but in response to the headlines lately... How can you "fight" a disease?  LOL  I just can't wrap my head around that one!  Also, check out this interesting article on the NPR website from 10/2/14 titled, "No, Seriously, How Contagious is Ebola?" about how contagious Ebola REALLY is/isn't (yes I said "isn't) in comparison to Measles, Mumps, SARS, HIV and Hep C.  Also, an interesting fact mentioned in there is quoted as, "The World Health Organization now estimates that the virus has killed about 70 percent of people infected in West Africa."  The picture chart below is included in the article I mentioned as well but I also wanted to include it here for you to check out.

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