Friday, October 31, 2014

Enough Is ENOUGH!

          Why have borders if they are not going to be enforced?  What is the point?  Why call people who come here without citizenship, “illegals” and then act like it is no big deal?  Why even have INS anymore?  Hey…  I get it!  I understand that some of the people that come here are coming here to escape a bad situation, violence, drugs, poverty, and so on and so forth.  However…  as cold as this may sound, that is not our problem and we need to stop making it our problem.  As a mother of three amazing children and a person with a huge heart and giving hand, I feel bad for any child put in an undesirable situation but unfortunately, we can’t play caregiver or hero to every child in a bad situation in this world.  If you think otherwise, then get on the list to adopt a child from one of these situations and stop expecting the government and other US taxpayers to support these children, people, orphans, and illegals!  The government wants to be so stern on some issues and get us further into debt over certain things but… maybe if there weren't all these extra undocumented mouths to feed then that may help.  Just a suggestion.  Now I know that won’t fix it and by all means I know that  lack of border control is not what caused the National debt, but… it certainly isn't helping any. 
            As far as “pathway to citizenship” goes, oh don’t even get me started on that!  I think that is just absurd!  To me it is just like teaching my children that if you want something you can get it one of two ways.  The first and easiest way is that you can earn it the honest way by doing your chores and we go buy it with your allowance.  Or if you are too impatient and selfish then just steal what is not yours and then ultimately you can get it after you just do a few chores; never mind the fact that you stole it and it wasn't yours from the get go, we will just let that go.  That is just ridiculous and I think that by letting people that came here illegally gain citizenship (no matter how long they have been here) is just showing them that the US doesn't care and does not mean business like they say they do. 
            Rules and laws are set in place for a reason in this country and our citizens are expected to abide by them and are given consequences if not followed and I think that if you are not even a citizen here yet, that makes it even worse!  We already have so many US citizens in poverty and in bad situations that need our help and I think we need to focus on them before we start worrying about helping others, as I also feel that along with the intake of all the illegals comes all the problems from which they think that they are successfully escaping. 
            On the subject of the unaccompanied children that come here, I feel bad for them.  I still don’t think they should be allowed to stay here, but someone needs to hold their parents or guardians accountable for allowing them to do so.  Any adult that would allow a child to cross a border without them is a disgrace to the human race as far as I am concerned and that makes the government even worse for letting them by with it. 

            The government needs to look at putting a much higher concrete wall with razor wire and or barbed wire all over it and have it go 5-10 ft under ground all along the border (I really don’t care how expensive it is it will save in the end).  Until it gets built they need to put most of the man power on the US/ Mexico border and not as much on the US/Canada border.  Hell… pull our troops out of the “fight against Ebola” in Africa and get them there, and pull all the troops from overseas.  Make a base there for the active duty (not National Guard or Reserves) to be there at all times!  At least we know they will get the job done right!  I don’t know that I have the right, or sensible solution but darn-it… something needs to be done.  Let the Mexican Government deal with the problems they have going on there and stop trying to make their problems into our problems.  Please do not get me confused with a heartless individual.  I care very deeply and passionately about people, and helping them especially children!  However, I just know that we have an overwhelming amount of poverty here that needs to be tended to before we should even think about helping other countries!  

1 comment:

  1. On October 31st, 2014 Carrie Henry commented on the United States Border and how she thinks that illegal immigrants in the US has become somewhat of a problem.

    I agree one hundred percent that the United States' Government and armed forces need to take more steps in protecting the border and enforcing it as well as the consequences for being here illegally.

    I do not think it is insensitive at all to say that those who come here should not be allowed to stay regardless of whether or not they are kids, (because a lot of parents in Mexico allow their kids to cross the border in order to better their life). I do understand that there are reasons why Mexicans cross illegally to get away from the terrible circumstances that are there in their country, but that does not make it fair for them to bring their problems here. We do not need any more drug problems or poverty stricken citizens here in the United States. That being said, we don't need ANY more people here in the country. Overpopulation already is a problem.

    Another thing that bothers me about illegal immigrants is that we are so worried about the national debt but don't stop to think about what all of the illegal immigrants do to that. It is not fair that US taxpayers have to pay for extra people that do not belong here. Don't mean to sound harsh when saying this, but I do believe that most immigrants that come here don't come here and get ahead and do anything for the country. Most of them to be honest just come to ride off the governments money (Medicaid, Unemployment, Food Stamps). It just isn't right.

    I think that enforcing our borders and bringing more troops there to protect it would be very beneficial. I also believe that we need to enforce consequences when catching immigrants here illegally. As for the "pathway to citizenship", I think that this is absolutely absurd. We can't reward people and give them the right to live here, when they broke the law.
